Paul vd Merwe, Visual Designer specialising in UI/UX experiences, from South Africa

Born in King Williams Town, educated in Johannesburg, reside in Cape Town, South Africa. Professionally work around the world .




Undoubtedly, venturing beyond the confines of traditional boundaries has proven to be an extraordinary and highly effective approach for Digital Experience Designers, including myself, to significantly enhance our skills and capabilities.

Actively engaging in meaningful and insightful discussions with developers, fostering strong connections with the marketing team, and continuously striving to view projects from the perspective of the end-users have enabled me to deeply value and appreciate the diverse individuals I have the privilege of collaborating with across different teams.

This constant pursuit of knowledge acquisition, coupled with the genuine cultivation of empathy towards both team members and users, serves as a solid foundation for the development of truly exceptional and superior products that exceed expectations and deliver remarkable experiences.
